Sunday, October 28, 2007


A blue whatever-that-is. I saw this and wondered what the heck it is? And why is it blue? Water pipe?

Saturday, October 27, 2007

The Yellow Model

A yellow flower. Dont know whats its called but it called me to take its pic. "Take me. Take me". So i did. It posed and swayed like a model and i cant help but take such a beautiful pic of it.

I love taking pics of flowers. Me momma has green fingers.

Tuesday, October 23, 2007

My take..

Hari Raya is over for me. Its back to work. Dull boring work. I enjoyed Raya so much that i often forgot to take pictures. Aiya!! Raya should have lots of Raya pictures la.

This is another take on the SOAS mosque in the capital. I pass by the mosque every day and i have to tell you that it is really a beautiful Mosque. Inside the mosque is so grand. But tak berani lah to bring my big ole Nikon inside. Kang kana teriaki oleh Pak Haji yang kaja disana atu. Hahaha. One day...

Sunday, October 21, 2007


Shopping after a week of Raya. The supermarket is starting to pick up again after being quiet for a while. Its not so bad here. We more or less get what we want, though those who have been to the hypermarkets overseas would be disappointed by the choices we have in our local ones.

Love those orange crates. So bright. I wonder what they had in them before. Bread?

Friday, October 19, 2007

Gameboy raya

I like this pic. A certain friend of mine came over for Raya (u can probably recognise him from the pic). I like his son..everyone was busy eating or raya-ing, but he is oblivious to all that. He continues playing his gameboy.

Sunday, October 14, 2007

Selamat Hari Raya

Aidilfitri. Hari Bahgia. Hari yang mulia...

LIke the song says, Aidilfitri is a time of joy and happiness. Three things come to mind when you talk Aidilfitri... Food, family and green packets!!!! Kalo tambah lagi, then bleh masuk Badil, baju baru, kanak-kanak and soto!!!!!

Selamat Hari Raya pada semua. Semoga bahagia.

Wednesday, October 10, 2007


I saw this little butterfly along the hedge near home. Fluttering about looking for is it that butterflies look for?? I have no idea. But it looked busy..hovering and fluttering. The other day i saw a lizard (one of those scary ones) hiding at the same place, near that same bright flower. Hunting maybe?

To all visitors to this blog..yes thats you.. only a handful of you.. thank you for visiting and i wish you a very merry Hari Raya Aidilfitri.

Sunday, October 7, 2007

the old bridge

This is the old bridge built alongside the Edinburgh Bridge in the capital. You almost couldnt see it from the new bridge but its there. Its old and its crumbling but its still there. I wonder why its not just demolished. Its kindsa dangerous leaving it like that.

The cemetery was just next door. Lots of people going to the cemetery these last few days of Ramadhan.

Tuesday, October 2, 2007


Have anyone realised that there are a lot of pigeons in Brunei?? Kalau di kumpul tu, macam di Trafalgar Square. Maybe more because i read somewhere that Trafalgar Square is losing its pigeons. Maybe they're in Brunei?!!? That'd be cool... them pigeons flying all the way from the UK and landing in Brunei. And then becoming Brunei permanent residents because its so cool here. hahahaha.

These pigeons were captured in Muara..serasa. Hundreds of them but i caught just these two. Well, caught pakai camera lah. Bukan di tangkap..atu ngaleh tu.

btw..can we eat pigeons? what do they taste like..chicken?