Sunday, July 29, 2007

isnt that cute??

I took this pic last December. In Thailand. I saw something similar to this today here in Brunei, but i didnt take my camera. Hah!

Isn't that dangerous? I mean really, what if a car knocked against them or something, ilang lawa tu eh. Awu, inda lagi. Sana sini lagi durang buat camani. I saw in Miri recently 4 people on one tiny motorbike...The father, the mother, a little girl no more than 5 years old, and a little tiny baby. Sakit hati ku meliatnya. What if... I dont want to even think about it!!!

Saturday, July 28, 2007


This is a pic of a lonely tree atop the Water Log ride at Jerudong Park Playground. Come September, the water log ride, the last of the big rides at the playground will be no more. It will be dismantled and shipped off to its new owners somewhere. Lucky them, unlucky us.

Was at the playground today. Sad to see that one half of the playground is no more. Sold. Whats left is ...well...nothing yet. Lots of plans but we'll see if it jadi.

The Go Kart track is open to the public starting today tho!!!! $2 per ride. SHould be fun. Be prepared for some smelly helmets tho. hahaha

Friday, July 27, 2007


Its the weekend!!!!!!! Time to sleep and do nothing. Time to not think about work. Time to see whats happening at the movies. Time for coffeebean!!!!

Eh temeng eh. Tapi pasang gambar bunga. haha. I saw this beautiful setup somewhere and i thought wow..kalau di tolak kawan ku si ***** tu kesana atu, nyaman tu eh. hahaha. Sure sakit punya. Tewas ia belabih.

I wonder whats happening this weekend?

Thursday, July 26, 2007


Back to the ole Black n White.

This was taken in KK..along the waterfront. I was talking to a friend yesterday about KK..about us making a trip there again one of these days. KK is busy and bustling now. They have a clean waterfront which they made into a centre of attraction. We need to do something about ours. Theres got to be a better plan than to just leave it as a parking lot!

Wednesday, July 25, 2007

fishing net

At Tungku beach on Sunday, we went fishing. Come on, what else is there to do but fish, play ball on the sand and cook. Us macho-type guys (perasan jua lah) have to go fishing lah. Caught quite a lot of little fishies and a few crabs. Not a good day for fishing apparently because of the weather. Maybe fish hate rain. Macam kambing jua. Takut basah...(inda masuk akal)

I tried out two effects using my CS3 in these two photographs. I'm not quite sure which i prefer as its a matter of preference. Mata sorang-sorang lah. Kalau mata bular, sorry lah. Inda main tu. But i'm still looking for that one look that i really want to master. So i'll keep trying.

Tuesday, July 24, 2007

At the beach...again

Went to the beach again on Sunday. brought my Nikon along and took lotsa pics. Just after sundown, the rains came. By the time the heavy rains came, we were safe on the highway.

I'm trying out my CS3, to get a particular effect that i like. I saw a few photogs are trying them and i thought why not. Lots of work. Lots of layers. I'm happy with it, but i'm still learning. Give it a bit more time.

Monday, July 23, 2007

my mower

My trusty mower. Super turbo powered transformer-capable mowing machine. hahaha. Able to cut grass in a single minute. Faster than a speeding Suzuki Ignis. Able to save me lots and lots of money from not having to pay those uber-hardworking indian natonals with their portable grass-cutting machines.

And..the best part is, its green! I mean the paint on the baby is green laa...

Sunday, July 22, 2007

Tamu 2

I was wrong. The tamu is still buzzing. But not like it was before, years ago. It looks better nowadays tho.

SO i took some pics...from afar. Still not comfortable taking a bigass camera and pointing it at peoples faces...curi curi saja. People turn their faces when they see a camera pointed at them, or they curse. EIther way, u dont get good pictures.

I'm trying to get this picture effect that i like so much. I still havent quite got it right. But will keep trying.

Saturday, July 21, 2007


I love the look of this place

Friday, July 20, 2007

Tamu Kianggeh

I wonder how many people actually bother to go to the Tamu in Kianggeh anymore?

I remember when i was little the Tamu was buzzing on Friday mornings. Just buzzing and full of activity. Nowadays with all night supermarkets and lots of corner shops selling everything from vgetables to the kitchen sink, the activity at the tamu isnt so hectic. Its still busy but less so. Pity.

Thursday, July 19, 2007

Mr cobbler

I had to put this picture up. I took it in Miri. Yeah,...i'm a regular.

This guy is an honest-to-goodness old fashioned cobbler. er...he fixes shoes. He sits there on the sidewalk, six days a week, waiting for customers to drop off shoes for him to fix. And he does. Fixes them beautifully. I sat nearby watching him, and his customers keep coming by. Some sat next to him as he does a quick fix on their shoes, on the spot. Others drop plastic bags full of shoes for him to fix.

In Brunei, i can think of only two places that do this..fix shoes. One in Berakas (rah ji Diamond..hehe..nda tau ada lagi ka) n the other rah kadai si Luis (nya orang jua tu lah). I have tried neither. But i have loads of shoes that need fixing. maybe one of these days...

Wednesday, July 18, 2007

The mosque

I love taking pictures in black in white. Somehow creates a mood that is so calm and beautiful.

I went to the SOAS mosque a couple of Fridays ago for Friday prayers. I noticed that more than half of the congregation don't wear the Baju Melayu anymore. Such a pity. Back in the old days, we used to take the time to dress up for friday prayers, with our sinjang and our baju melayu. Friday prayers is special. But then i guess nowadays its more practical to wear your normal clothes to the mosque. Convenient and practical. Straight from work. As long as its clean.

I did however see one person wear an old Liverpool jersey with the beer logo on it...hmmmm

Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Happy time

His Majesty's birthday. Celebration time. Town centre decked out in those colourful banners, all bright and cheery. I like the mood. Evenings are fun and busy, with the bazaar areas full of people. Nice.

Satu come after the celebrations are over, the banners and those advertising on the roads stay??

Monday, July 16, 2007


Went camping at Tungku beach. Nice and peaceful there. Lawa ani bah.

Not many people know of the beautiful beaches at Tungku. Yang tau pun probably cant reach the best parts because they are so out of the way. Mesti pakai 4WD lerrr. The best part is...nada orang. You practically have the whole beach to yourself. Nice.

Sunday, July 15, 2007

fishing hut

I went to Serasa a couple of weeks ago. Took this photo. Looks pretty good.

Although it gives the place some character, i wonder why this fishing hut was allowed to be built in such a public place. Its really an eyesore. And the fish by the end of the day gives the place a distinct smell. hahaha. And i think the huts have grown now...

I like it though. Give it some effects and the picture turned out good.

night tamu 2

Another pic of the night pasar. I love it there.

Havent been to the one in Bandar yet.

Saturday, July 14, 2007

night market

I love the night tamu in Gadong. So lively and so interesting and so much food! And the variety!!! Why you can have all kinds of permutations of the nasi katok over there.

It really is an interesting place. And interesting food. I love to go there for the special burgers, with egg wrapped over the beef and lots of lovely fresh vegetables! McDonalds can't hold a candle to that special beef burger! And of course theres the nasi campur, and keropok Lekor, and nasi ayams and so on and so on and so on.

have a visit. have a nasi katok.

Thursday, July 12, 2007

Coffee bean

I love coffee. I think i hang out too much at the coffeebean.

And I like our coffeeculture here. Sure we dont have starbucks or many of the big name hangouts you see overseas, but what we have is pretty cool. I like to see our people just hangin out at the spots, singles and in groups, with their laptops or just with friends.

Tuesday, July 10, 2007


Took my little ones and their cousins to the playground..left them for a bit in the car, and when i came back, this happened!

WHy do little kids find it amusing to leave their fingerprints everywhere? They find it even more interesting to throw keropok udang bits and the packets onto the floor. Ooohh, and of course those beautiful red from the tomato sauce onto the car upholstery. Yep thats definitely the winner.

A friend's daughter once dropped her milk onto the floor of the daddy's car and forgot to tell daddy. Until two days later when daddy started smelling something sour from the back seat. Hahahaha. Cost him $600 to get it cleaned and nice-smelling. Apparently the milk spilled and pooled under the carpet. Ugh.

Monday, July 9, 2007

The swan and the tortoise

Took this picture while visiting a garden in Singapore some time ago. Looks cute. My kids love animals. But can you tell which one is the statue?

Yeah, the tortoise can't be a rock, otherwise it'd sink and sink and sink deeper than the Titanic. But that goose / swan thingie is. Can't tell huh? You wear glasses? Oh only for putting over your head? What good does that do? Makes you look good? Oh ok. So thats what those glasses over peoples head are for. I thought only bald people do that because they dont have hair.

Saturday, July 7, 2007

Dark flower

This is how i feel today...totally dark. And evil. I feel i just wana hurt someone..

That was earlier today. A quick shower and after that i felt better. Isnt life great?

Friday, July 6, 2007


Our version of modern day goths?? Not sure where fashion is heading nowadays. Gothic and dark seems to be common nowadays, i guess similar to Heay metal and punks was familiar back in the old days..

SOmething haunting and attractive about them though.

Thursday, July 5, 2007


The Musketeers...

cute ler..

Wednesday, July 4, 2007


Taken in Serasa over the weekend. Siuk sana atu eh. Liar mata meliat... as a photographer and as a man. hahaha

My challenge is to photograph something ordinary that we dont normally give a second look to, and try make it interesting. Did i succeed?

Tuesday, July 3, 2007


A pic i took from the window of a buddy's office. The view wasnt clear because it was hot and kinda hazy. But the place yang stand out when you take a pic of BSB is...... inda saspen tu beb. semua orang tau jawapannya masjid SOAS tu.

I dont remember when was the last time i actually just jalan-jalan in BSB. Really. Eh macam bukan orang Brunei. Sana sini pakai mentuka. Omputeh ganya yang jalan-jalan ani, sama pilipin and indon. Warga dari negri semacam atu pun sudah makai BMW ni ku liat. EH i need to walk around BSB man. Dangki ku meliat orang siuk bejalan atu..

Monday, July 2, 2007


I'm playing with my pshop CS today. Experimenting and playing with colours. A lot of good pictures are as a result of manipulation in photoshop nowadays. I would say 60 / 40 with 60% camera and 40% manipulation. Would anybody agree? Digital camera images are kinda dull without manipulation.

This is a picture of this weird and wonderful flower in me mums garden. The flower part has been chopped off, or fell off or something. Its gone. But the stem still grows. Its covered wholly in these long sharp thorns. The flower must be sweet to need so much protection..

Sunday, July 1, 2007

Hide and seek

Went with the old man to his garden plot the other day. Up the hill to get a better view. Saw the place where they hid the wheelbarrow. cute eh.

Banyak pencuri bah. You put something in the open and esok esok ada tia sianu bin si anu menyurung wheelbarrow atu pakainya shopping di Millimewah. Peace.