Thursday, June 14, 2007


Gue jalan2 di bandar on Sunday. Wah...sooo many Indonesians and filipinos wah. Especially around the bus station. Ooossshhh, if i didnt know better, i would think i was in the Hayam Wuruk (or is it ayam buruk?) section of Jakarta! Ya lah, after the procession, everybody turun ke bandar lah. No dangdut today tho. Would've been nice to see them enjoying themselves with some dangdut. (i like dangdut. Especially the dance. hehehe).

Even around the Yayasan area, so many huh. I like it. So interesting jadinya the area. Kalau bawa kamera, sakit leher katik sana katik sini.

Brunei ani multicultural jua. I love living here. Siapa inda suka, agatah pigi Landan atu!

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