Tuesday, June 12, 2007

a farm

I love this pic. Saw the worker walking among the plot, just ze hat bobbing up and down and up and down. I was curious about the strings but reasoned it out as something for the sayur to twine along. huh! What do i know. I ain't no farmer. The most I've done recently was cut grass. That's cut, not grow!

Once a long time ago, one of my Malay teachers was angry at us noisy students that he told each of us off. Pakai ruler ma! Whack! (It was acceptable punishment back then). He also said if we make noise again, he will make us jump off the tallest pokok taugeh!!! heeeee... hey what do i know then?! I thought taugeh grew on trees . hahaha.

This was taken somewhere in Brunei. Not sure where. I think i was lost then.

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